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Code | item | description | price GBP | price without VAT |
PYR | Pyrography starter outfit 230v with 13A UK plug and cord | Power unit, pen, six spare points, fine wire, instructions. | £89.80 | £76.43 |
PYRX | DeLux outfit | As above plus extra pen, reel 24SWG wire, Pyrography Handbook by Stephen Poole. | £125.00 | £107.86 |
PEN | Extra pen | with lead, 4mm plugs and fine point | £25.50 | £21.70 |
PW26 | 26 SWG wire | I ounce reel of the finest gauge of wire. | £4.35 | £3.70 |
PW25 | 25 SWG wire | 1 ounce of medium wire | £4.35 | £3.70 |
PW24 | 24 SWG wire | 1 ounce heavy wire | £4.35 | £3.70 |
PW23 | 23 SWG wire | 1 ounce thickest wire | £4.35 | £3.70 |
PP10 | 10 fine points | For fine work - from 26 SWG wire | £2.20 | £1.87 |
PP11 | 10 medium points | General detail points - from 25 SWG wire | £2.20 | £1.87 |
PP30 | 10 spoon points | For shading - from 24 SWG wire | £4.20 | £3.57 |
PSN | 2 terminal screws and nuts | replacement stainless steel terminals for one pen | £2.99 | £2.54 |
CPBOOK | The Complete Pyrography | The definitive manual for pyrography. By Stephen Poole. | £15.95 | £15.95 (no vat on books) |
England and U.K. You can order just by sending an email but you should send your card details by secure means. The most convenient is to go to our secure server order form where you can fill in all your details including your order and card number and send it to us safely protected by 128 bit encryption. Just click on secure order form , fill in the details and click on the "submit" button. Alternatively you can telephone us on 01787 237291 (closed Mondays but there is an answerphone).
U.S.A. We regret that we can no longer supply pyrography machines to US and Canada. more info
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