This is a sycamore platter turned by Tony and decorated by Christine. It is 8" diameter.
This hollow vessel is 12" high, turned from green ash by Tony. It was gripped in the Coil Chuck. The rim and foot were textured with the "spoon" pyrography point. The sides were pyrographed and then coloured with dye.
Tony is the woodturner and his wife Christine is a talented artist. They are to be found
demonstrating turning and pyrography at all the major venues in the UK and he demonstrates turning here at the Peter Child workshop at least once a month. He is a very active and hard working member of the AWGB. Christine can sometimes be persuaded to give expert tuiton in pyrography. Tony produces a wide range of sycamore blanks including cheeseboards, platters etc sold unfinished ready for applied pyrographic decoration. Ask for a colour brochure and mail order price list.