2 day Woodturning Courses

Please ask for a brochure

Peter Child was the first to offer the idea of a two day residential woodturning course back in 1963. It quickly became hugely popular with hundreds of enthusiastic pupils arriving in Little Yeldham from all over the world.
The present day course, given by his son Christopher, runs twice a week, all year round, and follows the original formulae. Beginners are gently placed in the deep end with the bowl gouge and almost all see a finished bowl at the end of the first day.
The second day covers everything else including spindle turning, tools and sharpening, timber and seasoning, drilling and chuck work, polishing and finishing. The course can be flexible as there is 100% access to the lathes and we only take two or three people at a time. If a pupil wants a more advanced course or wants to specialize in making only dolls house furniture, bagpipes or even prototype wind generators there is no problem - we have seen them all over the last 30 years of teaching! Beginners or intermediate, young or old, are all very welcome.
The new workshop is purpose built, spacious, comfortable and well equipped. The location is relaxed and rural, being in the very heart of East Anglia. We will book comfortable accommodation nearby for yourself and your companions if you ask.
Current cost for two days is a very reasonable £140 which includes two pub lunches. Accommodation is extra.

Picture of Chris with pupilClick on the picture to get a larger view. Christopher has recently made a name for himself writing for magazines including Woodturning, Woodturner, Woodworker, Practical Woodworking and Traditional Woodworking.


picture of demonstration room We normally have demonstrations of woodturning and possibly pyrography which are held on a regular basis on the first and third Saturday of every month. They are free of charge and refreshments are available. Demonstration start times are 10-00 a.m. and 2-30 p.m. (changed to 2-00 p.m. in 2003) They last for 2 hours, more or less, depending on the program. There is normally a coffee break after 1 hour. There is usually an informal question and answer session at some time and you are welcome to join in. We are always particularly pleased to answer beginners questions. The shop will of course be open all day and Roy or Chris will help with any technical queries on equipment etc.

Please note this arrangement may have to change at any time and without notice. There is no need to book but to avoid disappointment it is wise to ring us to confirm the details before you come.

Demonstrations for 2003

Given by professional demonstrators
Tony Witham (left) and Derek Phillips
picture of Tony picture of Derek

2003 demo's Start at 10-00 a.m. and 2-00 p.m. (Was 10-00am and 2-30pm in 2002)
March1st Derek Phillips Candle sticks
March15th Tony Witham Turning fruit
April5th Derek Phillips Natural edge wet goblet
April19th Tony Witham Scoops and spoons
May3rd Derek Phillips Lamps and long hole boring
May 17th Tony Witham Turned Platters plus Pyrography Demo
June 7th Derek Phillips Hands on & sharpening
June 21st Tony Witham Earing stand
July 5th Derek Phillips Hand Mirror
July 19th Tony Witham Mortar & Pestle
August 2nd Derek Phillips Hollow forms
August 16th Tony Witham Wall plaque
September 6th Derek Phillips Platters from thin planks
September 20th Tony Witham Off centre turning

We expect to arrange subsequent demo's on the same basis.
They are always on the first and third Saturdays in the month.

Information sheets

These sheets, containing helpful information, are normally given free to our pupils on the two-day course.
Choose from 6 sheets as follows . . .
Choosing lathe and tools, Sanding on the lathe, Polishing on the lathe, Use of green timber and seasoning, Dust hazards and safety equipment, Grinding and tool sharpening
price 40p each or complete set £1.90

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