picture of demonstration roomOur Saturday demonstrations are free of charge and refreshments are available. Demonstration start times are 10-00 a.m. and 2-00pm. They last for 2 hours, more or less, depending on the program. There is normally a coffee break after 1 hour. There is usually an informal question and answer session at some time and you are welcome to join in. We are always particularly pleased to answer beginners questions. The shop will of course be open all day until 4-00pm and Roy or Chris will help with any technical queries on equipment etc.

Please note this arrangement may have to change at any time and without notice. There is no need to book but to avoid disappointment it is wise to ring 01787 237291 to confirm the details before you come.

Brian Partridge picture of Brian Partridge

Demonstrations start at 10-00 a.m. and are repeated at 2-00 p.m.

This will be the last demo before the shop closes

Saturday May 21st 2016 Brian Partridge Pestle and Mortar


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